
Get More Mileage

Hey there Beauties!

Now that we have implemented our new SharQui Instructor trajectory, I’m sure you have been practicing diligently with the current Crew videos. 

But what happens once you nail your routine and notice your students getting bored?  We got you covered!  Here are 3 ways to get more mileage out of your routines:

  1. Change the music – You can still do the same routine but simply dance to a new mix!  Did you know that we have 13 perfectly mixed albums?  And if you are teaching in-person, you can use any of the 6 Shukran mixes that’s in your music resources in Crew (remember the Shukran mixes cannot be used for virtual class or social media).  We also have fun, new singles that are inspired by Oum Kalsoum, Sabah, and Mahragant.  Stay tuned for an Audacity part 2 workshop where you’ll be able to connect all your favorite single tracks seamlessly to create your own, non-stop playlist.
  1. Change the order around – The lovely thing about the SharQui blocks is that they always have a lead-leg change.  So, that means block 1 can now be block 6, block 2 can be block 4, etc.  Think of it as a puzzle and have fun with it!  See, that’s the luxury of the format NOT being song-specific like some other dance fitness programs.  How cool is that?!
  1. Combine several routines to create one new one – I personally do this one all the time.  Take 1 block from each Crew video to create an entirely new routine.  And then you can do it again with the 2nd block of each video, and so on.  Do that for every block and you instantly create 6-8 new routines. Tada!!

Now go and be creative,


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