
Life Is Like A Bellydance Competition

Life Is Like A Bellydance Competition

I LOVE Bellydance Competitions – loved being a competitor and still love being a spectator as well as a judge. I appreciate the beauty and the hard work that goes into it from both the competitor and the producer, yet when it comes to choosing the winner, it’s TOTALLY subjective. You can put a different set of judges every time and get a different result. How fascinating is that!?


The feedback from the judges is great, most of the time, yet there are times it can also be confusing. For instance, when I was a competitive bellydancer, I had a judge state on my score sheet that I was moving around the stage too much and another judge state that I wasn’t moving around enough! So what did I learn from that? Nada! Cuz I knew how I felt – and that’s all that mattered. But for the most part, judges seemed to be spot on and competitions worked for me. They were a great way to get feedback, gain exposure and stay grounded, personally.


I also like the criteria used for judging; scoring on choreography, performance, technique, presentation, creativity and originality.


So how can YOU apply these criteria to your own life, dance, fitness and/or work?


Well, you can create our own “bellydance” competition by taking these same criteria to evaluate your own life. For example:


Chreography: Are you structured in life so that you can achieve your goals? Are there areas that require more focus? What would your score be?

Performance: T. Harv Eker said, “How you do anything is how you do everything”. So what’s your work ethic. Do you follow through? Do you tend to sit on things? How would you rate yourself?

Technique: What is your mentality? Are you a student and always learning? Is there something new that you could be learning in life, dance, fitness and/or work? What’s your evaluation?

Presentation: How are you showing up? Are you late or on time? Are you prepared or unprepared? Score yourself.

Creativity: What are you doing to fuel your creative side? Are you doing the same things over again or are you trying new things? What’s your rating?

Originality: How do you stand out? Do you like to be unique? Do you not like to be noticed? What’s your evaluation?


So, are you making an impact in your own life, and what does that look like? Is what you’re doing also impacting your family, friends and others around you?

Scroll down and comment. I would love to know.


1 thought on “Life Is Like A Bellydance Competition”

  1. Good grounded content. The subjectivity that creeps in to the criteria has always been an issue for me. I helped by being the MC in a competition and felt very uncomfortable. Some contestants were devestatef and they were well known and experienced. We all have life experience that influenced our perception of the most clearly stated criteria.

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