
What Happens Backstage



What Happens Backstage


The other night I went to see a contemporary dance company in Philadelphia. I’ve been a fan of this company for years when I was a contemporary dancer in NYC, and this was my 1st time watching them live, on stage. What a thrill!


I was inspired by every single dancer that stepped onto that stage. They put their mind, body, and spirit into every move. But I realized it was way more than that.


These athletes put hours of hard work that no one ever sees. They dedicate their lives to their training. And they do it all because they’re living their DREAM.


It’s super inspiring and there’s a huge truth smack in this.


There’s so much that goes on backstage. It’s true in the dance world, and it’s also true when it comes to being who you want to be – whether it be in your profession, your health, your bucket list, parenthood, etc.


No one sees the sacrifice you do to make things happen, like the early mornings, working way into the night or even the sleepless nights.


They don’t see when you want to throw in the towel or the sweat you shed in practice. They don’t see the time you sacrificed away from your family or friends, or eating the same friggin meal for months so you can pay for that [fill in the blank].


Most people only see the payoff. But here’s the truth smack…


It’s really about the person you become along the way.


So dance (or work) your ass off like nobody’s watching and never take your eye off the prize – and Shake your Beauty with a SharQui class baby!



7 thoughts on “What Happens Backstage”

  1. I love reading your emails. I think if I met you in person we would be the best of friends!!! Thank you for being you ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  2. Thanks for the inspiration Oreet! I’m working on launching a new business in my professional life, and it can be overwhelming at times! So good to be reminded that the pay-off is in the pursuit of what makes you happy. 🙂

  3. Oh I would love that!!!! When is your next certification? I live in California!!! Can you drop me email? Then we can talk talk ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  4. Janelle Issis

    Agreed to all of the above, thanks Mrs. TRUTH SMACK!! Virginia take her up on that “virtual coffee lol” y’all would be best friends!!

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