
I Hired A Healer to Help Transform My Life

Today’s guest post is by Marisa!

You might not know that I’ve had a 110 pound weight loss, but what accompanied shedding that weight was losing my Mom right after I had half my thyroid removed, then into a divorce, while struggling with psoriasis, anxiety and depression.

I’ve been working with Arturo Mesquite of Core Natural Health for 3 years now in his mastery program to transform my entire life; Health, Relationships and Business.

I talk about my journey in this YouTube interview. At the end I talk about hiring a team to get you to where you want to be in life. Arturo is like my finance director, my CFO – who watches all of my energy and helps me succeed. My most recent hire to my team is Oreet herself as my focused business and dance coach.

We can all grow, even if your first step is taking a class in something you never have before. And now more than ever it’s easier to feel comfortable by taking classes in the comfort of your own home.


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